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Like a Fashion Blog, but Better!

Umm ok. So this is my first time ever writing a blog post and just got half way through writing it and the server closed and I lost everything I wrote...for real?! Please, Lord, don't let that be a sign that I shouldn't be doing this lol.

Anyway, my name is KV and I am the designer behind the BluPrinter! I am a millenial, consider myself fairly basic, and am currently unemployed (why else would I think starting a blog is a perfect thing to do in my life right now, right?!). I also have a B.S. in Architectural Engineering, am on the shy side, have the cutest puppy on the planet, and am very happily married!

I hope that I can use this space to give you all ideas and inspiration not only regarding interior design bringing joy to your home, but to expand upon ideas and inspiration for a happy life in general. The world needs a little more of it currently and I want to do my part in trying to put smiles on our faces in a way I am most comfortable and confident in doing!

So what will this blog actually be about? Well, I've had the idea of "The BluPrinter" for a really long time now, and I've finally decided that starting out with it being a blog will be the best way to take the first step into this new world. I have always enjoyed putting designs together through...yes, PowerPoint, I know...but it's just so much fun and I feel like it comes pretty easily to me.

It all started about two years ago when my roommate at the time and one of my best friends was about to graduate and move to Denver to become one of the most bad-ass business women I currently know. She was moving into a new apartment with an old friend of ours and she wanted a fresh start and new stuff to go along with all the other "new" going on in her life. So, I started playing around with some designs, taking skills from what I knew by taking a few interior design classes in college (I did end up getting a minor in Interior Design, so yes I do have a little understanding of the field). This was the final result:

..and she LOVED it! She ended up tweaking it a little bit to suit the space and her $$ (since I never saw it nor had any dimensions or anything), but it ended up being really cute and totally made her feel like she had a comfortable space to come home to after the end of a long day.

While putting this little design board together, I also was simultaneously creating a shopping spreadsheet through Excel (gotta love Microsoft, lol) so that she could see where everything came from, the cost, the color/finish, etc. and she could also very easily edit it to see where she really wanted to put her $$ towards actually getting. It looked like this:

Just FYI, this is really outdated so I highly doubt if any of this is correct anymore, but anyway THIS is what I want to do with The BluPrinter blog. I want to come up with designs and a corresponding shopping spreadsheet and hopefully can help you out when you want some new things and don't know where to get it/what to get! I want this to be interactive and be similar to the way you would see a fashion blog or makeup Youtuber manage their respective accounts. So, basically, I hope that each week you will see a new design, a shopping spreadsheet to go along with it, and I will say a few words about it as well to share the inspiration!

So I hope you enjoy and I am very excited to get to know you!


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